Meeting new surgeons and finding great work has never been easier.

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Discover the new way of finding work you like.

Our app is available on iOS and Android devices. Download now to get started.

Right work, right time

Customisable notifications

Customisable notifications only for the specialties and hospitals you like.

Profile yourself

Profile yourself to surgeons looking for help with their lists.

Free to Use

Free unlimited access to work notifications.

Fill your free time

Fill your available time with work you like.

Frequently asked questions

Which anaesthetists can use Listcover?

Anyone! Whether you’re part of a group or an independent anaesthetist, Listcover will work for you.

How do I get started?

Download the app from your App Store, and sign up through the app.

Who puts lists up?

Listcover callouts come from a variety of sources, including other anaesthetists, anaesthetic groups, surgical practices and hospital departments.

How do I get notified?

You’ll receive instant notifications on your device, just make sure Listcover notifications are permitted by your settings.

How do I put my hand up?

Simply tap the available button to let them know that you can help out with the list.

If I tap available for a callout, does that mean I will be doing the list?

No. You will receive a confirmation if you have been chosen to fill the callout. You will also receive an email if you are unsuccessful.

How else will it help me?

You’ll only receive callout notifications that meet your preferences. No more clogging up your email inbox, or receiving hundreds of chat group notifications when they’re not relevant to you. Simple and efficient!

Do I need to respond to all callout notifications?

No - you only need to respond to the callouts you’re interested in. Just ignore the rest!

Can I put my own callouts up?

Yes, you can add your own callouts. Your callout will be instantly sent to all registered anaesthetists for the hospital and surgical specialty you select. Very handy for the last minute cover!

How can I see which lists I have been confirmed for?

Tap the Lists icon at the bottom of the app

What does it cost to use?

Listcover is currently free for all users

What platforms is the app available?

The app is available on iOS and Android devices.

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Get back to work.

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